Monday, August 15, 2011


Stalking: admit it - we've all done it.

I wonder what (insert name) is up to these days?
Who's that new guy in small group and does he have a girlfriend?
Oh my gosh, that is the cutest baby ever...too bad I can't remember how I know that mom; she just popped up on my news feed.
Now where is that person working? did they lose all that weight?

It's not always a bad thing either---

I made a new friend today. Her name is Antonese. And here is what bonded us:

She is new to working with Communities In Schools and has been in training with me for the last few days. Today we had our first real conversation. It came up that I lived in Dallas (a little commute from my job in Ft. Worth). Sweet Antonese chimed in "Oh I knew have a blog, don't you?" Curious and confident that she had me confused with someone else because I have a grand total of 11 followers and don't typically advertise this blog, I confirmed that I do in fact have a blog.

Sure enough, Antonese had found me before starting her job to see if she could have any hints about what she was getting into.

I find her detective skills impressive, and I, for one, am glad to have her on board and be her friend! I have no doubt she'll do a great job and her students will love her! Seriously, if you met this girl, she's great. She will fit in well as a social worker because sometimes you have to do a little digging here and there to get to the bottom of things.

So, Antonese, welcome! Today was delightful and I was glad to have a lunch buddy. Let me know if you read crazy stalker!

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