Tonight is my last official night at Northbridge. We've started the process of moving into the new apartment, and while I'm off at work tomorrow, movers will whisk my furniture away and put it in my new room. Under Angie's supervision of course.
Today, I got sentimental about leaving.
How many times have I walked down the street to the library or to Target or Kohls or Tom Thumb or the post office feeling so very urban?
How many jogs/walks have I taken around those ponds? How many podcasts have I listened to, friends have I talked to? There was even one day I got some hard, hard news about a sweet family friend who passed away. I cried for the better part of a lap around the ponds.
How many friends have spent the night or come over and stayed up late?
How many times have Angie and I split Nutella on the couch?
How many dates have we gotten giddy about as we got ready here?
How many naps have I taken on the couch after school?
I could keep going, but I'll spare you.
The bottom line is this - one more chapter is closing. I see where old people look back on their lives and it seems like days ago that they were running around town living the high life. I get it more and more the older I become. Every season seems to go a little quicker.
Trust me, I'm excited about moving. I can't wait for the shorter drive. There are things I love about change.
I know I've grown, though, here at Northbridge---and it is now forever a piece of my story.
love you and your story!