Sunday, April 3, 2011


Summer is around the CORNER! still my heart!

4 more weeks of Monday night classes!
5 weeks til I'm done with my UTA semester!
7.5 weeks til Hawaii family vacation!
8.5 weeks til kids are done with school!
12ish weeks til I am done with the school year!

And what is it I'm so looking forward to about the summer?
Tank tops and flip flops
Rangers games
Lake trips
Laying out by the pool
Tennis "matches" with Angie
Going on a run whenever my heart desires
Not setting an alarm every day
Time with friends
Shopping trips
Trips to Austin and Houston and Tyler and anywhere else the wind blows me!
Game nights with all my friends who either love game nights or love me or both
Time to read and journal
Time to be spontaneous
Time to clean and organize and figure out life
Being fabulously tan and only a little crispy burnt
Crafting with Sarah and Lauren
Taking Noah to the pool
Watching movies and blazing through whole series of TV shows
Eating snow cones
Playing frisbee...which I don't actually really do, but doesn't it sound summery!'s getting closer! The countdown has begun.

1 comment:

  1. oh my, i just got really excited about summer reading this post!
