Friday, April 1, 2011


It amazes me that I can have a day like yesterday, filled with peace and satisfaction, followed by a day like today, filled with uncertainty and discouragement.

I'm not usually labeled a dramatic person, but today my heart has been all over the place! I am not a fan of this.

My friend Lauren said on twitter the other day "Lunch break with Jesus. Thankful the look in his eyes is not one of disappointment. #psalm90/103". I couldn't say it better!

Today has been hard. I have been sad. I have been scared. I have been selfish with my time.

But the look in His eyes is NOT one of disappointment.

Even though He knows all of my flaws, He sees me marked as HIS! He sees me just like a loving daddy with pride and with joy. I can rest in knowing His affection for me!


  1. I love that! It's so true that he is always pleased with us. So thankful!
